Healthy sleep habits

Healthy sleep habits

The modern world has people in overdrive. From fast-paced work lives to childcare and everything in between, sleep has become increasingly within focus as physical and mental health have been pushed to their limits. Despite doing our best, sleep sometimes is not prioritized as part of our self-care routines. 

Better sleep calls for many behaviors to be amended in order to follow a healthy sleeping schedule. From going to bed earlier to morning routines, committing to getting a good night’s sleep can be tiring. 

Here, we have a few tips to help you gain a peaceful rest:  

  1. Set the number of hours to sleep every night. 

According to Mayo Clinic, a healthy adult needs at least seven hours of sleep every day. Planning for eight hours is a great way to ensure that you get the recommended hours of sleep nightly. 

  1. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. 

And yes, this includes the weekends which is when your level of commitment can be tested. Remaining consistent with these times reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle. If you have trouble adjusting to a new sleep schedule, it is okay to listen to your body. For example, if you cannot sleep for 20 minutes after climbing into bed, then get up and do something relaxing. This can help you wind down a bit longer and feel ready when you go to sleep. 

  1. Monitor what you eat and drink 

Going to bed with the right amount of food in your stomach can help you sleep comfortably. Feeling hungry or completely stuffed could see you getting up throughout the night. Using stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol or nicotine can also disrupt your sleeping routine. The stimulating effects of these substances can take hours to wear off, so it is a good idea to plan accordingly. 

  1. Create a peaceful and restful environment

The best atmosphere in which to sleep is that of a dark, quiet, and cool bedroom. Light exposure can affect the amount of melatonin (sleep hormone) being released to help you fall asleep. Light-emitting screens before bedtime can also have an effect on the ease of falling asleep. Engaging in calming and relaxing activities before bedtime can immensely help you get in the mood to sleep. Smelling a candle, taking a bath or warm shower, listening to soft music and doing relaxation techniques all contribute to helping your body wind down. 

  1. Place healthy limits on daytime napping

Despite the inevitable mid-day slump, it is important to not take a long nap during the day hours or lay down late in the afternoon. If you need to rest, it is recommended to take no more than one hour during the day to nap. The immediate effects of a nap feel refreshing, however, it won’t be the same feeling when you are turning in for the night. 

  1. Get physical during the day

Incorporating exercise into your daily routine can promote a better night’s sleep. But, working out too close to bedtime can have the opposite effect. If it is difficult to exercise, spending time outside in the sun can also promote sleep as the sun’s natural melatonin acts as a trigger for your sleep cycle. 

  1. Manage your mental health

Days can be stressful and not just due to work. Managing your family, loved ones, home, pets, children, and other duties can be taxing on your body and mind. It is important to take a step back, do some relaxation exercises and check in with yourself to allay worries and anxiety during the night. If you find yourself overly stressed, try delegating tasks for certain times and days. Making lists can help you manage and prioritize daily tasks. 

  1. Listen to your body

Our body is our own to take care of and treat healthily. If something is hurting or you feel fatigued, it is best to see your healthcare provider. As taking care of immediate bodily concerns is the first step to getting a healthy night of sleep. 

  1. Have annual health checks

Getting an annual health check may seem unnecessary, but many issues go unchecked due to not seeing a doctor. As not all ailments are visible nor can be felt, it is important to check your health yearly with a respected physician. 

  1. Contact a sleep disorder specialist if you experience sleep disturbances

Although a sleepless night is something we have all encountered, if your sleep continues to be disrupted, contact a sleep disorder specialist. These doctors can perform sleep studies and tests to help diagnose the root cause of your sleeping issue. Moreover, they can provide medicine and other tools to help you conquer your sleep problems.

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